About COVID-19 Vaccination program
PharmaSave pharmacies are committed to supporting their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Select PharmaSave pharmacies are now approved vaccination providers for the AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer & Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, helping to provide COVID-19 immunisation for our local areas and the wider community.
When it is your turn to get vaccinated, you can book your appointments to get your first, second and booster doses of the vaccine.
Book your AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, or Novavax Vaccination Today
I confirm that I am eligible to receive the AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, or Novavavax COVID-19 vaccination.
Contact your nearest Pharmasave pharmacy to book the appointment.

Researchers and government departments like Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration have been dedicated to developing and rigorously testing COVID-19 vaccines without compromising safety and effectiveness. This global collaboration has meant the COVID-19 vaccines could move through all the regular stages of vaccine development and implementation simultaneously rather than one after another. [i]
[ii] https://www.tga.gov.au/covid-19-vaccine-safety-monitoring-and-reporting
[iv] https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/is-it-true/is-it-true-do-people-have-to-receive-two-doses-and-do-they-have-to-be-the-same-type-of-covid-19-vaccine-for-it-to-be-effective and https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/covid-19-vaccination-atagi-clinical-guidance-on-covid-19-vaccine-in-australia-in-2021
The most commonly reported side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are headache, aches and pains, fever, and tenderness at the site of injection. These side effects are typical of many vaccines, and usually, last only a day or two. The investigation is continuing into the rare but serious side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.[i]
The Therapeutic Goods Administration’s safety monitoring team of doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and scientists are closely monitoring any reported side effects from the vaccine to investigate any safety issues.
Up-to-date information regarding vaccine safety and vaccine recommendations can be found here and here.
Speak to your pharmacist or doctor if you have concerns about the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines or which vaccine is most appropriate for you.
[i] https://www.tga.gov.au/covid-19-vaccine-safety-monitoring-and-reporting
Yes – you can receive your COVID-19 vaccine and your flu vaccine on the same day.
The vaccines available in Australia require two doses (both doses of the same type) to provide the best protection against COVID-19
For most people with existing health conditions, receiving a COVID-19 vaccine is still recommended – see here for further information. Speak with your doctor to find out what’s right for you.
Everyone in Australia aged 5 years and over is eligible for a free COVID-19 vaccine. Use the Department of Health’s Eligibility Checker to see when you can book your vaccine:
Check your eligibility here
The COVID-19 vaccine may not stop you from ever getting COVID-19, but the AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer and Novavax vaccines have been shown to be effective at stopping people from becoming very ill or dying if they catch COVID-19. v
There is no live virus in the COVID-19 vaccine. Most COVID-19 vaccines contain a spike protein that looks like the spikes on the outside of the COVID-19 virus particle or stimulate the body to produce this spike protein. The immune system recognises this spike protein and produces antibodies.[i]
[i] https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/is-it-true/is-it-true-can-covid-19-vaccines-give-you-covid-19
PharmaSave pharmacists administering COVID-19 vaccinations have completed extensive training regarding vaccinations generally, as well as specific training for COVID-19 vaccinations.
No. The COVID-19 vaccine is currently free to everyone aged 5 years and over in Australia.
You will receive your vaccine in a safe, private space within the pharmacy.
Who is eligible?
Check the government website in your state to confirm your eligibility to receive a COVID-19 booster vaccination and the recommended timings between both vaccine doses and confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Can my booster shot be a different TGA-approved vaccine than my earlier vaccines?
Yes. You can have a COVID-19 booster vaccination after your second dose of any COVID-19 vaccination, regardless of the brand of COVID-19 vaccination you had for your first and second doses – see https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/getting-your-vaccination/booster-doses for further information for further information.
Are COVID-19 booster vaccines the same vaccines as first and second dose vaccines or is this a different strain?
The current COVID-19 vaccine contains the same vaccine as a first or second or booster dose vaccine.ix
How do the booster vaccines work together with the primary vaccine course to give me optimal protection from COVID-19?
The first dose of your vaccine will stimulate your body to begin to build up an immune response against COVID-19. The second dose will boost your immune response to give you long-term protection. Your booster doses will then give you the most protection possible against COVID-19, for the longest period of time.
If I have had COVID-19 how long do I have to wait before I can have my next dose (second dose or booster)?
Everyone in Australia aged 5 years and over should wait 3 months between testing positive for COVID-19 and their next recommended vaccine dose. (Reference